Fog Trees and Yoda!

Dense fog was forecast for Leicestershire & upon wakening the Met Office prediction was correct.
As soon as everybody had left for work and school I headed off to a local beauty spot for a some foggy photography.
I hadn’t envisaged the fog would be quite as thick as it turned out to be so there would be no deviation from my normal route for fear of getting lost!!

Apart from the odd ripple on the water from passing ducks the reflections were beautiful.

Susan Guy Bradgate Park 9100 9122The sun started to burn through the clouds relatively quickly giving hazy mellow light
DSC_9013 Susan Guy Bradgate Park Split toneI sat for a while looking out from high on the ridge, it  felt peaceful, tranquil, a bit magical and very atmospheric.
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A bird (or something) caught my eye in the hollow of a tree, I assumed it was an Owl so crept up quietly to get a better shot. However I soon realised what I was looking at was certainly not an Owl…. it was a cardboard cut out of  Yoda from Star Wars. Not what was expected but never the less very amusing.

Susan Guy Bradgate Park 9142 9145 9151Feeling a little foolish I felt thankful no one was around to see, oh but wait a Sport Relief team emerged out of the fog and very pleased to see I had spotted one of their clues!
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